Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Moab Family Adventure

The view from the backseat.
Weather: Snow, Slush, Ice
Location: Approaching Idaho/Utah Border
Activities: Back seat bingo, on cell phones, Math games, Logos Quiz on ipad, Talking, Singing.
It took us forever to finish backyard bingo, as we didn't see several things until we got to SLC area. We could have used some squares labeled: Wire Fence, Scrub Brush, Slush, Abandoned Houses, Snow.
A fun family time.

While, the weather was messy and we did see a few cars that had slid off into the weeds, we didn't know how really bad it would get right after we went through.  There was a 17 car pileup about an hour after we went through.  God protected us.

KTVB - 17 Car Pileup Story

1 comment:

Hannah Webster said...

This is Hannah.
It was really squished in that back seat:-)