Friday, December 23, 2005

Heather's Highlights 2005

1. Watching Ellie struggle, practice, and obtain a working vocabulary to make her wants, feelings, and sense of humor known. Thanks to our speech therapist for being a guide on the journey!

2. Observing Katie's obvious joy at her preschool. She delights in the resident rats, stickbugs, and turtle. She always has a new tale of cooking, art, imaginary play, or latest science experiment. Her joy for learning is contagious!

3. Seeing Hannah launch herself out of the nest and in to full day school. I never realized what courage it took to navigate 1st grade. I admire her courage.

4. Biblestudy Fellowship has been a great way to dig deeper in to the book of Genesis. I have recognized my own struggles and hopes in its pages. I have also gained a greater appreciation for God's parenting abilities as He grew up the human race.

5. Welcoming our new nephew/cousin Isaac home! He arrived in Boise with two joyful (and exhausted parents) on December 21st. He is a Christmas gift of a lifetime!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah for SUPER-MOM!